Content and elements of the xbox 360 glitch jtag pack
- A xbox 360 slim 250 GB glitch
- Piece x360 ACE V3
- A wireless controller
- Video cable - power supply
- Original Nand and cpu key included on 250GB hard drive
- Kernel in last version and update installed
- Dashlaunch installed
- Freestyle dashboard 3.0 installed (alternative menu)
- Xexmenu 1.2
- Compatible kinect
What's the Glitch?
The glitch consists of installing a chip in your xbox 360 to run backup your xbox 360 games from an external hard drive or from the console's internal hard drive.
- Launch all your xbox 360 backups from internal or external hard drive.
- NTSC and JAP compatible dezoned console.
- Launch of XBLA arcade games xbox 360.
- Launch of DLC additional content of xbox 360 games.
- Launch emulators or other homebrews.
- Launch of the DIVX.
How to launch your games with a 360 Glitch xbox?
We install Freestyle dashboard, a new interface for xbox 360 that allows you to launch all applications of your choice (games, film, xbla, emulators).