The creators of LEGO® The Lord of the Rings, with phenomenal success, offer us today LEGO The Hobbit, the video game inspired by the first two films of the Hobbit trilogy,
The Hobbit: An unexpected journey and its sequel, The Hobbit: The desolation of Smaug (next on our screens), both produced by New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures (MGM), as well
a range of LEGO Le Hobbit construction sets. Thanks to the interactive game LEGO The Hobbit,
players will be able to relive their favorite scenes of both films, and follow the Hobbit Bilbon Sacquet, recruited by magician Gandalf, in his quest to help Thorin Écu-de-Chêne and his
company of Dwarfs. Indeed, poor Bilbon was forced to leave his sweet County to embark on a journey through Middle Earth. His mission? Helping the Dwarfs to regain
their lost kingdom of Yerebor, under the Solitary Mountain. During this adventure, he will cross the road of fierce Trolls, dangerous Orques and, of course, Gollum and his precious
ring. Players will be able to combine the unique skills of each Nain, often sources of deceitful scenes, to overcome the most varied quests in a LEGO game to date.