Welcome to the website www.playstore.ma. We are a store specializing in video games purchase & sale of all kinds of video game consoles, computer equipment, console repair, sale of PSN, Roblox, iTunes, Steam gift cards...
Who are we? Our company has built its know-how and reputation in the field for around ten years.
Playstore.Ma is content hosted on the Internet and operated by JEUX VIDÉO MAROC, registered in the Meknès trade register and whose store is located at 33 AV Mohamed V Passage Khamliche Mg 20 Meknès Morocco. New store: R/MROUA BUR4 RDC Rue al Amir Abdelkader VN Meknes Morocco.
These general conditions of use (CGU) apply to the Site and describe the conditions under which JEUX VIDÉO MAROC offers access to the Site, services, applications in particular via mobile devices/tablets or any other future support (Services) .
We ask you to read the general conditions with particular attention because the use of Playstore.ma implies their full and unreserved acceptance.
You agree to respect these general conditions of use by clicking on the box entitled “I have read and accept the general conditions of use of playstore.ma” on the order confirmation page.
Playstore.ma reserves the right to delete a user's profile, in the event of failure or violation of these general conditions of use due to the user's failure to comply with them within a period of 5 days after the formal notice sent by JEUX VIDÉO MAROC to remedy the failure or violation noted.
Who are we? Morocco video games at the best price.
Playstore.ma, advice and support
Playstore.ma makes every effort to offer its users the best possible browsing experience as well as complete and relevant information.
Playstore.ma is the owner and/or has the necessary authorizations to distribute the entire content of the Site or made available through the Site and in particular, the texts, drawings, graphics, images, photos, brands and logos. These contents are protected by intellectual property rights; you are therefore prohibited from copying, modifying, transcribing, extracting, reusing and generally reproducing and distributing said content without the express authorization of Playstore.ma.
We draw your attention to the fact that the violation of intellectual property rights constitutes the offense of counterfeiting, which is punishable by criminal law. In order to have more information on the protection and processing of your personal data as well as on cookies, we invite you to consult the general conditions of sale